Going on business tour on Europe

Hi. Just wanted you all to know, that I am going on a business tour on a conference “Improve credit report” in Amsterdam and on “investment conference” in Paris. I think I will take a train to Amsterdam, stay there for a week and than jump in London for a week and relax. From London I will probably travel with AirFrance to Paris, or I will rent a car and drive there. This could be exticiting! But the best thing is, that I have everything for free, because I am a VIP member or something!

Festival in Maribor

In Maribor, which is second lagrest city in Slovenia, we have a festival called Festival Lent. On our festival, we have many performers including Jimmy Cliff, Maja Keuc,… and many more. Actualy there will be 1500 events! That’s a big number. The festival will be from 24.6. – 9-7. And its realy nice to have a festival like this, because you have Art Camp where you can send your childrend’s to play, be creative, and you can just chill in the sun with a beer or two. And in evening, you can go and see some events, a show or a comedy, walk trough festival or just stay in VIP with your business partners and discuss about work. At night its time to party. You have 3 different stages – House, Jazz and open air. And BTW, the ticket isnt expensive either. Its only 22€! For more info just type in Google “Festival Lent” 😉

Bloggin in english

Today, I decided to start bloggin in english. Why? Because I want to attract more visitors… and I also have some friends from other countries and want them to read my blog 😀 The topic will stay preaty much the same, business, shopping, every day shi…stuff and so on…

I will still blog something in my language too, so stay tooned. Got a little suprise for you folks 😉

Tale slovenski splet /Web sites

Samo na spletu res ni nič pametnega, na 24 ur vedno iste novice, nič osvežujočega, nič pametnega. Mislim da je čas, da se na Slovenskem spletu pojavi nek pameten, zanimiv, zabaven portal!

And in english:

You cant find any thihng interesting on web anymore, all the news are the same, nothing new or interesting. I think that its time to create sometnihg new, fresh and innovative that will rock the web!

Tiste fajne majce

Včeraj, ko sem se zvečer vozil domov, sem enega ko je mel gor majco, ko spreminja motiv. Ful je bla zanimiva, in takoj sem jo poogoglal. Vpišem “majica ki se ji spreminja motiv” in ni nič pametnega, vpišem “majica z lcd” tudi nič, pa dam “party majice” in glej ga zlomka! Bingo! Izbira teh majic je ogromna, ful dosti je teh motivov. Pa tudi drage niso, nekaj čez 20€! Zdaj sem si naročo eno, pa še ena party očala za povrh. Vse skupaj slabih 30€. Pa da vidimo kak vse skupaj funkcionira 🙂

Košarka n stuff

Danes sem na šport tv gledal košarko. In primlo me je da bi jo šel igrat. Pa sem jo tudi zbral kolege pa smo šli nek 3v3. Blo je enkratno, čeprav smo zgubli, mogoče malo prevroče. Ampak potem sem se spomnil da na eurobasket in na to, da bo eurobasket 2013 v sloveniji! To bojo zagotovo tekme na katere bom šel in bom v prvi vrsti! Edino kar mi je smešno je to, da ne bo tekmovanja v Mariboru. Mah kaj, bo pa univerzijada 😀